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Journey with Me

S U R R O G A C Y  D I A R Y 

My 1st Journey 

Dear Maxime,

I knew I was the chosen Angel for your Mommy and Daddy the moment I stepped into my purpose. I researched and participated in social media groups and conversations with close friends, family, and other Surrogates.

 You helped me grow in ways I never thought in my wildest dreams were possible, and someday when you are old enough to understand I will thank you, most likely with tears in my eyes because I am a big crybaby! Nurturing you in my womb is one of my greatest honors. You taught me the true meaning and power of “loving a child as if it was my own”.


Seeing you in my womb for the first time was a very special moment. Your Mommy and Daddy were watching on video and the love that filled the room that day was pure and overwhelming. Everyone was in tears! A true miracle you are. During our time together we ate lots of good food, with your approval of course! Our favorite was a good ole classic hamburger from In & Out, with extra pickles all the time. You were easygoing. I didn’t have much nausea in the first trimester and very little heartburn. You performed for us at every ultrasound appointment and to see the glow in your Mommy and Daddy eyes was confirmation that dreams do come true.


You were born on August 20th, 2020 and all those burgers we ate together registered on your first weigh-in at 8 pounds. You were a healthy baby boy, and I was proud. I watched the nurses care for you, clean you, and prepare you for meeting your parents. As I said my 1st goodbye to you. I cried. Not because I was sad but because I knew that your Mommy and Daddy were moments away from experiencing that overwhelming feeling of holding the love of their lives for the very first time.

My 2nd Journey

Dear Charlotte,

Continuing on my journey of living in my purpose, I yearned for more. You were destined for my womb, and I was ready. By the time you found your way to me I was an expert baby-making machine!


From the moment I heard your heartbeat, my life changed yet again. The feeling can only be described as an extreme emotion of accomplishment, love, and pure generosity. I thought to myself, “Wow! Here I am, little ole me making dreams come true….again!”


The journey with you was the most unique in the way that I was able to share it with your Mommy and Daddy. Your precious soul brought together 2 families! We shared beautiful memories together and my favorite is watching and listening to their first reactions to seeing you and hearing your heartbeat for the first time. The glow and admiration in their eyes at every ultrasound appointment made my soul rejoice. In most scenarios, I held myself together very well but in others, I shared tears of joy with them. Falling in love with you was so easy. Your personality shined brightly, and even on my most difficult days – because let’s face it, you gave me the blues! – watching you flourish always made the days better.


I started off with a fitness plan, yeah that didn’t last very long. Let me explain. I was nauseous majority of the time. Whew! I could barely keep my head up most days, and then came the pancakes from iHop. We craved them! I knew I would regret it, but I didn’t care. I would do anything for you!


At the blink of an eye, it was our birthdays. That’s right baby girl, I gave birth to you on my favorite day of the year, my birthday. May 19th, 2022 we welcomed you into the world. Already knowing what to expect after delivery, I gave you lovies, and you were whisked away to meet your Mommy and Daddy for your first skin-to-skin human contact. As I lay in my bed patiently waiting to see you again, I smiled. Through the pain, I rejoiced. There was so much comfort and gratification knowing your Mommy and Daddy hearts were fulfilled.

Baby Charlotte Delivery.HEIC



"...thanks to her, our hope became a certainty, and our tears became laughter..."


"...she now lights up our life and we cannot imagine our world without her..."

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